My boyfriend and I went to an ice cream parlour called Eisbär in Bernhausen (it’s a small village in Baden-Württemberg, Germany). A friend of ours worked there and she served us. We were sitting there and enjoying our ice cream on a lovely July summer day.
Then our friend asked my boyfriend: “How was Ulm last weekend?” (Ulm is a city in the south of Germany) I turned my head up, I just could not believe what I just heard. “I asked my boyfriend in a calm voice, you went to Ulm last weekend?” He looked down and was nervous a bit, but he stayed calm too. After this I could hardly talk, I went inside, and I was boiling, and I could feel myself in deep anger. It was just like slowly blowing up a red balloon inside me.
I didn’t want him to go to Ulm because he had told me that there was a girl there, he used to talk to, and this why I got very angry with him for visiting Ulm.
When we left the Eisär, I turned to him, looked at his face, and made both hands into a fist and hit him on his face three times, left, right, left. It was like the fresh air outside had burst my red balloon inside. I just could not believe, what I just have done. I was shocked, I felt terribly bad. But to my surprise, he stayed calm because he was shocked too.
Two youth were sitting on a bench, laughing their heads off. Talking to each other like “did you see that girl hit her boyfriend.”
I just remember that we left in peace with each other. The next day he told me, that his jaw had hurt him all day, but he had deserved it.
